Page 52 - V7.2-2019-PR-GRANT
P. 52

Dr. Milo Smith, Ph.D., from the Friedman Brain Institute, Institute for Next Generation
      Healthcare, Mount Sinai, New York was presented a $65,000 check for research that will
      identify small molecules with the ability to rescue amblyopia through cell-type specific
      mechanisms, as well as set the stage to scale their approach to screen thousands of drugs for
      their ability to treat amblyopia.
                                          Making the check presentation were Sir Knights
                                          from the Grand Commandery of New York: David
                                          D. Goodwin, Past Grand Master of the Grand
                                          Encampment and Past President and Trustee of
                                          the  Knights Templar Eye  Foundation;  Conrad
                                          Johnson, Grand Senior Warden; present with
                                          Dr. Smith was Hirofumi Morishita, M.D., Ph.D.,
                                          Preceptor, and Associate Professor, Departments
                                          of Ophthalmology, Neuroscience and Psychiatry

     Critical periods are childhood windows of brain plasticity that respond to sensory and social
     experience to enable development of optimal cognition and behavior. Disruption of critical
     periods can lead to neurodevelopmental disorders - for example, normal visual processing in
     the brain can be disrupted by early eye problems such as misalignment of the eyes (“cross
     eyed”). If caught early, the resulting amblyopia can be corrected and good vision can be
     restored. However, if the eye alignment is not resolved until after the critical period has
     closed, the condition becomes permanent impacting 3% of adults.
                                 Discovering  drugs  that  can  reactivate critical period
                                 plasticity after a critical period has closed would be a
                                 boon for treating plasticity-related neurodevelopmental
                                 disorders, such as  amblyopia.  Among hundreds of
                                 neural subtypes, this lab has recently identified a single
                                 subtype marked by a protein called somatostatin that
                                 when  transiently  activated  in  adult  mice  reactivates
                                 critical period plasticity.
                                 Inspired  by  this  finding,  they  are  using  genetic
                                 engineering  approaches  to  grow  these  somatostatin
                                 neurons in a dish with a fluorescent molecule called
                                 GCaMP6 that glows brightly green when the neuron
                                 becomes active. If successful, this study will set the
                                 stage to scale this approach to screen 1000s of drugs
                                 for  their  ability  to  activate  this  important  neuron
                                 type.  Positive hits from this screen will be candidate
                                 drugs to be tested further for their ability to reactivate
                                 plasticity  in  adult  mice  and  to  restore  good  vision,
                                 correcting amblyopia.

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