Page 24 - Company Profile 2023_KSA
P. 24
Project References
Furniture Layout | Quotation | Electrical Diagrams / Finishes / Presentations | Installation
Project Value 2.6M AED
Approx. 380 Staff
- Large Global account looking to refurbish headquarters in Media City.
- Lar ge Global ac c oun t look ing t o r efur bish headquar t ers in M edia C it y .
ked t
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m t
n fir
ogether with UK based desig
opose fur
- We worked together with UK based design firm to propose furniture
o pr
solutions t o en tir e spac e .
solutions to entire space.
- C olor ful and in tuitiv e options pr o vided f or w or k plac e and caf et er ia ar eas .
- Colorful and intuitive options provided for workplace and cafeteria areas.