Page 43 - NTC's Dictionary of Easily Confused Words_0844257877.djvu
P. 43
• cord [k;»d] a fabric with raised rows of material. D Our
home economics teacher suggested using a sturdy fabric such as
twill, cord, or denim for our project.
• chute [Jut] a sloped passageway through which things may
be sent. D A clothes chute leading from the bathroom to the
basement is very convenient.
• chute [Jut] a parachute. (Slang or colloquial.) D Tom has to
pack his own chute when he goes skydiving.
• shoot [Jut] to discharge a gun or other weapon at someone or
something. D Before you shoot the rif/,e, make certain you have
a clear line of fire.
• shoot [Jut] to discharge a gun at someone; to release an arrow
at someone. D "Please do not shoot me!" begged the clerk.
• shoot [Jut] to photograph someone or something. D The film
company making the movie will shoot some scenes along the
• shoot [Jut] a small sprout of new plant growth. D Warm
sunshine and plenty of water will enable the shoot to grow
• cite [smt] to order someone to appear in court. D If you get
caught speeding, the officer may cite you for a moving violation.
• cite [smt] to quote something from a published source. D
Her attorney will cite a little-known law when presenting her
• cite [smt] to recognize someone in commendation.
□ During
his speech, the speaker will cite the award winner's many
• sight [smt] the ability to see. D The child's sight improved
greatly following eye surgery.
• sight [smt] a view or glimpse. D The Grand Canyon is a mag-
nificent sight.
• site [smt] a position, place, or scene of something such as a
town or building. D The site for the new veterans memorial has
not been decided.
• clause [kbz] a group of words containing a subject and a
verb, used in either a compound or complex sentence. D 'While
he tinkered in his workshop all morning' is a dependent clause.
• clause [kloz] a specific section of a written document. D The
contract contained an escape clause to protect both parties.