Page 3 - Trustee Russell Stokes
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“From very early on, I was
always trying to figure out how I believe I’m here for a reason; I think about
things work. I’d look at things it all the time. I’m always trying to figure out
and break down what happened, “
thinking about it backwards and how to make sure I make the most of my time
forwards,” Stokes says now. “I’d before my time comes.
want to know how and why some- Trustee Russell Stokes
thing happened.”
He was bright and determined, diagnosed with the skin condition This year, Stokes and his wife
but also grounded; his family known as vitiligo. created the Lisa and Russell
made sure of that. “I was around these people who Stokes Endowed Scholarship at
“I grew up around parents and had different challenges but kept Morehouse School of Medicine,
grandparents and extended family moving forward,” Stokes says. a $250,000 fund that focuses on
members who kept me incredibly After graduating from Cleveland MD students who are committed
humble,” he says. “I was raised State University with a degree in to addressing the healthcare chal-
in an environment where people Finance, Stokes started his career lenges illuminated and exacerbat-
invested in me and pushed me to in sales for a PC manufacturer. He ed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
trying things.” then went on to join GE, holding “I believe I’m here for a reason; I
Meanwhile, his family was expe- numerous leadership positions in think about it all the time,” Stokes
riencing health problems. Stokes finance, operations, and services says. “I’m always trying to figure
himself stopped breathing when within GE Transportation, GE out how to make sure I make the
he was four years old and had to Aviation, and GE Lighting. most of my time before my time
have a tracheotomy. His father From there, Stokes took on the comes. Like Eric Dickerson, I’m
had no hearing, and a grand- position of President and Chief always trying to push as hard as
mother experienced both dia- Executive Officer of GE Energy I can to be the best I can be. So it
betes and breast cancer. An aunt Connections. He assumed his makes sense that I’m so invested
lost her vision, and an uncle was current role in 2019. in MSM.”