P. 47


 The lack of data on people of color hurts

 dialogue, diagnosis, care, and mortality rates for African Americans.

 Leaving out people of color also hurts patients of other ethnicities.

 As science and medicine attempt to understand the    opportunities, resources, education, housing, and
 entirety of the human condition and develop healthcare   medical care, including early detection and treatment.
 that is specialized, cost-effective, and efficient, the    MSM is committed to diversifying the health-sciences
 work will be incomplete if a large part of the population   workforce as well as the body of research on African-
 is left out.
 American patients — a mission that will lead to a greater
 For many diseases, African Americans have the highest   understanding of human history, biology, disease, and the
 death rate of any racial group in the United States. The   therapeutic options that can benefit everyone.
 causes are many, and include social and economic
 disparities that result in inequitable access to


 Through Morehouse Healthcare and many community   clinical trials, as well as collect biospecimen samples
 partners — sees thousands of patients a year. Most    that we can analyze and apply in a more inclusive body
 of these patients are African American and come from   of research.
 the underserved communities that have so little    Our researchers do not just drop into communities, collect
 representation in research.
 data, and disappear to publish papers; they are committed
 We have the reach, the capability, and the track    to working collaboratively with underserved communities
 record to improve enrollment of African Americans in    to address the diseases that affect them most.

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