Page 9 - IMPACT - The World Needs What We Do Best
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MSM Research Center and Institutes Integration
 PILLAR 2: Innovation

        Bioinformatics           Clinical          Infectious Disease
 Morehouse School of Medicine is accelerating    Research
 breakthroughs in public health, scientific discovery, and   Center

 health care delivery. By investing in Morehouse School of Medicine
 through the Innovation pillar of our IMPACT campaign, you are investing   Research Center  Neuroscience   Other MSM Centers and Institutes:
 in transformative research to address some of the world’s most pressing   •  David Satcher Global Health Equity Institute
 health disparities and conditions. MSM researchers and clinicians are   Institute of   •  Natural Products Research Center
 developing groundbreaking treatments and meeting community health   Translational Genomic   •  Beacon of Hope Centers of Excellence
 needs through hands-on care, digital innovation, and outreach solutions   Medicine    – Center of Excellence in Clinical Trials
                                                                           – Center of Excellence in Environmental Justice
 to address pervasive gaps in health experienced by so many.
 K. Sean Kimbro, PhD  Cancer Health            Cardiovascular              – Center of Excellence in Data Standards
 Professor of Microbiology, Biochemistry, and Immunology   Equity Institute  Research Institute      & Health Informatics
                                                                         •  Center for Translational Research in
 IMPACT Campaign Innovation   >2%  Increasing diversity dismantles         Health Disparities
 Pillar Goals  systemic and structural barriers to   Center for
 • Expand cutting edge research in maternal    MSM: Ensuring the   optimal health.   Health Policy  Equity  Community-based
   health, cardiovascular/stroke, cancer, precision    promise of precision   To achieve this, we recognize the importance    Participatory Research
   medicine, and more  medicine for all.  of having comprehensive and inclusive
 • Enhance community engagement and   Health is not    research data sets. Without complete and
 one-size-fits-all. Yet
   collaborative initiatives   the National Institutes   representative data, we cannot fully under-
 • Increase health care services to underserved    of Health (NIH) reports   stand the complexities of health disparities   Melissa B. Davis, PhD  and global health equity, Dr. Davis is a Distin-
   urban and rural communities   that less than 2% of   and develop effective solutions.   Director, Institute of Translational    guished Investigator with the Georgia Research
 human genomes
 • Create endowed roles in research, center, and    analyzed to date are   •  We can’t change health outcomes if our    Genomic Medicine  Alliance. She also serves as Scientific Director
   institute directorships and fellowships   reflective of diverse     research data set is incomplete or has gaps.     “Minoritized populations have historically been   of the International Center for the Study of
 • Build state-of-the-art laboratories and   populations.  •  We can’t be sure we are asking the right    underrepresented in the generation, analysis,   Breast Cancer Subtypes (ICSBCS).
   equipment, including computational power for   Precision medicine,     research questions if the research workforce    and application of genomic data and this has
   genomic sequencing   with treatments based     is not representative of the populations who    perpetuated health disparities. My goal is to   Dr. Davis is an active mentor, hosting student
 • Attract venture capital investors philanthropy    on a patient’s personal     experience the greatest health disparities.  ensure that MSM is at the leading edge of the   and faculty mentor training on health dispari-
 genomic profile,
   (natural products, new diagnostics, etc.)  allows clinicians to   •  We can’t ensure clinical interventions   technology and leadership of overcoming this   ties for clinicians, and training undergraduate
 predict and direct the     improve health outcomes if all groups are not    bias and improving the limitations of precision   and graduate students. She is a scientific
 prevention, care, and     represented in clinical trials.  medicine for underserved populations.”  advocacy partner for minoritized patient popu-
 disease management
 necessary to improve                                                     lations, serving on several advisory boards for
 individual and popula-       Cancer geneticist Dr. Melissa Davis is the   national organizations and industry partners as
 tion health outcomes         inaugural director of the MSM Institute of   they establish global health equity and patient
 more accurately.             Translational Genomic Medicine. A leader in   engagement platforms for emerging health
                              transformative research, patient advocacy,   disparities initiatives.

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