Page 19 - President and Dean’s meetings with constituents
P. 19

David Abney and Valerie Montgomery Rice, MD
                                                     November 26, 2019
                                                       TALKING POINTS

               Purpose of the Meeting
                   •  To increase David Abney’s campaign engagement in his role as Campaign Co-Chair

                   •  David Abney – Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, UPS
                   •  Valerie Montgomery Rice, MD – President and Dean, Morehouse School of Medicine

                   I.     Lead Campaign Commitments
                          a.  UPS – Academic Expansion Naming and Scholarships ($1 million+ combined gift)
                                  i.  Lecture Hall - $750,000
                                  ii.  Dean’s Suite - $500,000
                                 iii.  MD Scholarships - $500,000
                          b.  David and Sherry Abney – Academic Expansion Naming
                                  i.  Education and Pipeline Suite - $250,000

                   II.    Campaign Prospects
                          a.  Identify prospects David Abney will target for campaign

                   III.   Robert W. Woodruff Foundation
                          a.  Met with Russ Hardin and Erik Johnson on November 19
                          b.  Presented funding opportunities for Phase II ($60 million public phase) of the campaign
                          c.  Asked for $25 million to support Phase II of the Academic Expansion (Medical Education
                              Building Addition)
                                  i.  However, they are interested in supporting Phases III and IV of the Academic
                                     Expansion ($18 million combined funding)
                                         1.  Renovation of 3  floor of the Medical Education Building ($8 million)
                                         2.  Renovation of 3  floor of the Hugh M. Gloster Building ($10 million)
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