Page 8 - Southern Company Gas 2021
P. 8
October 15, 2021
Ms. Paige Maurer
MAG Mutual Insurance Company
3535 Piedmont Road, N.E.
Building 14, Suite 1000
Atlanta, GA 30305-1635
Dear Ms. Maurer,
My name is Ky Huynh. I am a fourth-year medical student in Morehouse School of Medicine. I
was born and grew up in a small town in Vietnam where medical service was inadequate in both
quantity and quality. Throughout my childhood, I saw many people in my town die or severely
suffer from preventable diseases because they did not receive appropriate medical care. As a child,
I committed to myself that I would become a doctor to provide high-quality medical service to the
area where healthcare is highly in need. Coming to United States at the age of twenty, I have
overcome many difficulties such as cultural differences, language and financial barriers to get my
bachelor’s degree from University of Georgia and to pursue the goal of my life – to be a medical
doctor. Becoming a medical student at Morehouse School of Medicine is an accomplishment that I
can be proud of, but to become a cardiologist-my dream medical specialty-there are still big
obstacles academically and financially. Your contribution, therefore, is a great encouragement for
my future success.
During my final year of medical school, I had plenty of opportunities to experience and witness
underserved areas in Atlanta. People in the community need high-quality primary health care.
These patients are excellent teachers from whom I have learned signs and symptoms of many
different diseases, how to create diagnoses and significantly enhanced my clinical and
communication skills. For me, the patients that I interacted with during my rotations gave me the
greatest privilege to learn and practice. The funds that I received from your gift to Morehouse
School of Medicine guaranteed me a solid support so that I can fully focus on my training without
any financial worries. Without the benevolent support, I would find it hard to deal with my student
loans and financial shortfalls which may affect my progress. Your gift demonstrates the kindness of
the society.
With my greatest appreciation, I would like to thank the MAG Mutual Insurance Company once
again for the generous support to my education and future career and to Morehouse School of
Ky Huynh, MD candidate
Class of 2021 720 Westview Drive, SW
Atlanta, GA 30310-1495