P. 21
The institution has more than 1,100 full-time and part-time Our faculty members conduct cutting-edge research.
faculty and staff, many of whom have been here for more than For example: Community Health and Preventive Medicine
20 years. During that time they have been heralded as leaders Professor Dr. Mary W. Langley was awarded $1.5 million by
in teaching, research, and public policy. the Office of Minority Health to research ways to address
opioid abuse in Dougherty County, a rural and vastly
These esteemed leaders frequently collaborate with such
partners as Grady Memorial Hospital to serve the healthcare underserved area of Georgia.
needs of Georgia through world-renowned centers and MSM’s educators are also part of the most important and
institutes. These include MSM’s: national conversations about healthcare and education.
Dr. Tabia Henry Akintobi, for one, was elected to serve as
Cardiovascular Research Institute
Chair for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s
Neuroscience Institute National Prevention Research Center Steering Committee.
Prevention Research Center
Research Core Facility
Satcher Health Leadership Institute
98 % 98% of MD students 74 % population, vs. the national 71 % More than 71% of MSM’s
More than 74% plan to care
primarily for an underserved
residency program graduates
complete the program
average of about 34%. choose primary care.
Choosing primary care is not an easy decision, particularly backgrounds. They end up carrying a disproportionately
given the financial realities of medical school and serving the large debt burden.
underserved. While an increasing number of our students That is why it is so important to find funding, partnerships,
come from middle- and upper-middle-class backgrounds, and to establish scholarships and other support.
a large portion have more challenging socioeconomic