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Lipman Establishes Scholarship in Honor of his Father

        The Earl S. Lipman Scholarship provides
        support for MSM MD students

                   atients put out their best hand towels when
                   Dr. Earl S. Lipman was making a house call.

          P  He wore his finest suit and tie from Hick-
        ey-Freeman and carried a black leather doctor’s bag.
        His young son, John, was sometimes by his side.
          John loved to watch his father work as a solo inter-
        nist in Rochester, New York — the special care the
        doctor took to listen to and diagnose his patients, and
        the way the patients responded with appreciation and
        respect. John’s home brimmed with their baked goods
        during the holidays.
                                                               Dr. John C. Lipman (L) and his father Dr. Earl S. Lipman (R) at
          Dr. Earl Lipman was even written up in the New       John’s medical school graduation.
        York Times. When other doctors were unable to          training, mentoring, volunteering with, and support-
        determine the cause of a woman’s illness, he quick-    ing the next generation of healthcare professionals at
        ly deduced that she had developed a tapeworm after     Morehouse School of Medicine.
        ingesting raw gefilte fish. John still has the newspaper
        clipping.                                                               During the last 15 years, John has
                                                                              worked as a volunteer staff member at
          “There was an incredible kind of                                    MSM, giving talks and hosting students
        bond and relationship he had with                                     at his independent practice. In 2019
        his patients. They revered him and he                                 he and his wife, Jayne, created the Dr.
        loved them,” John says now. “He was                                   Earl S. Lipman Endowed Scholarship
        a role model for so many people in                                    at Morehouse School of Medicine and
        medicine.”                                                            have given a significant amount to the
          John was chief among them. He went on to follow      institution.
        in his father’s footsteps in more ways than one. After   The Lipmans support MSM because they believe in
        studying at the University of Rochester, Georgetown    its mission, and its goal of educating and graduating
        University, Harvard University, and Yale University,   diverse doctors who will bring primary care to those
        “       My dad typifies the ultimate primary care      and Morehouse School of Medicine turns out the best
        John became a successful interventional radiologist in
                                                               who need it most — just like John’s father did.
        Atlanta. And he carried forward his father’s legacy by
                                                                 “My dad typifies the ultimate primary care physician,

                                                               and the brightest,” John says. “If we can turn out more
                physician, and Morehouse School of Medicine
                                                               people like him, that’s what we need to do.”
                                                                 The Dr. Earl S. Lipman Endowed Scholarship was
                turns out the best and the brightest. If we can
                                                               awarded for the first time in 2019-20 to M.D. student
                turn out more people like him, that’s what we
                need to do.
                                                               Atsou C. Klougan. He is currently a Internal Medicine
                                                               Resident at the University of Miami /JFK Medical
                       John C. Lipman, MD on his establishment of the
                       Earl S. Lipman Endowment and why he supports MSM
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