Page 2 - IMPACT - The World Needs What We Do Best
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The world needs…

        The world can’t

        afford to leave talent
                                                           Dear Esteemed Donors and Supporters,
        on the table or

                                                           I am thrilled to share the incredible vision and impact of Morehouse
        medical discoveries                                School of Medicine as we continue our transformative journey

        unfounded.                                         towards achieving health equity and justice for all. As President
                                                           and CEO, I am honored to lead this esteemed institution
        Our health                                         in its mission to make a lasting impact on healthcare and
                                                            medical education.
        depends on it.                                     To our generous donors who have already made invaluable

                                                           contributions to our campaign, with your support, we have
                                                           raised an impressive $283 million — but we are not done. Our
                                                           goal is to raise the remaining $217 million as we approach
                             Leading the                   our 50th anniversary. This campaign is not only about raising
                             creation and                  essential philanthropic support, but also about making a lasting
                                                           difference in the lives of individuals in Georgia and beyond.
                             advancement                   We firmly believe that the world needs what we do best, and
                             of health equity              with your support, we can continue to make an indelible mark                                                                                      Pioneering Research in

                             to achieve                    on the future of healthcare.                                             Additional Clinical Services                                             Precision Medicine
                             health justice                                                                                         in Healthcare Deserts                  Compassionate Care and
                                                           We understand that achieving health equity and justice requires                                                 Innovative Medicine
                                                           a collective effort, and we know we can’t do this alone. I invite
                                                           you to be a part of our campaign journey and fuel the mission                             More Black and Brown                                                 A Global Focus on the
                                                           of excellence. Together, we will lead the way.                                                                                                                 World’s Health
                                                                                                                                                     Physicians and Clinicians
                                                                                                                                                     in White Coats
                                                           With heartfelt gratitude,                                                                                                  Diverse Participants
                                                                                                                                                                                      in Clinical Trials
                                                           Valerie Montgomery Rice, MD, FACOG                                       Healthcare Professionals
                                                           President and CEO                                                        Trained in Culturally
                                                           Morehouse School of Medicine                                             Humble Care                                                                 The world needs
                                                                                                                                                                      Lifesaving Maternal                       Morehouse School
                                                                                                                                                                      Health Solutions                          of Medicine.
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