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We are talking about innovations like our
Clinical Skills Center. Located in the Louis W. Sullivan National Center
for Primary Care at MSM, the center is designed for demonstrating,
teaching, learning, and practicing clinical skills for medical students.
Six procedure rooms and six examination rooms allow The Center would host an incubator, a co-working
students to simulate clinical evaluation while instructors space, and a research lab focused on discovering,
monitor and assess the work via video cameras and developing, and testing preventative healthcare
intercom systems. technologies.
We are talking about innovations like Morehouse The Center would also provide training and education
Telehealth, which saves its patients 3,500 minutes and programs in health to engage kindergarten through 12th
4,100 miles of travel a year by offering health advice and grade, college, and post-graduate students to develop
information via video conferencing. technical and analytical skills. And the Center would
host a competition for entrepreneurs seeking to create
We are talking about innovations like Morehouse School
of Medicine’s Healthcare Innovation Center, which new startups related to healthcare technologies for
would develop and test new approaches for solving underserved populations.
healthcare issues. We would bridge the divide between
technology entrepreneurs, designers, developers, and
researchers, and the clinicians who work on the front
lines of care.