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             Research is conducted through a variety of programs and institutes at

             Morehouse School of Medicine, including:

             -  The Satcher Health Leadership Institute, created by    -  The Cancer Health Equity Institute, which brings
              Dr. David Satcher, the renowned physician and pioneer   together molecular scientists, population health
              in public health who served as the 10th Assistant     researchers, and clinical investigators to discover
              Secretary for Health and the 16th Surgeon General of   new ways to prevent and combat cancers and
              the United States. The Institute’s mission is to develop   improve outcomes.
              a diverse group of exceptional health leaders, support   -  The Cardiovascular Research Institute, one of the
              innovative strategies, and actively promote policies   first of its kind at a historically minority institution,
              and practices that will eliminate disparities in health.
                                                                     which focuses on advancing cardiovascular research
             -  The National Center for Primary Care, which serves as    and education.
              a national resource for encouraging professionals to   -  The Clinical Research Center, which serves as the first
              pursue primary care, develop innovative interventions,   freestanding, outpatient research facility of its kind
              and serve underserved areas.
                                                                    and focuses on clinical and translational research in
             -  The Neuroscience Institute, which focuses on the    minority and underrepresented communities.
              functional organization of the nervous system and    -   The Georgia AIDS Education and Training Center, which
              seeking ways to reduce suffering brought about by     helps clinicians provide quality HIV care.
              neurological disorders.
                                                                   -   The Prevention Research Center, which advances
                                                                    community-based participatory research and trains
                                                                    researchers, public health practitioners, and clinicians.
                                                                    Funded by the CDC in 1998, the center is governed by
                                                                    a coalition of neighborhood residents, academic
                                                                    institutions, and health and social service agencies.
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