Page 12 - Morehouse School of Medicine Magazine
P. 12
Dr. Ngozi Anachebe, MSM associate living costs. Their rent includes a utility percent of our resident graduates have
dean of admissions and student affairs, bonus, covering the first $75 of each elected to practice in Georgia, showing
said until now, MSM students, with resident’s costs of electricity, water, their commitment to our vision and
no campus housing, were plagued by sewer, trash and pest control; residents the improvement of health care in our
Atlanta’s “notoriously clogged traffic.” are billed for any overage. state,” she said. “We are confident this
“Our students currently live all over “It’s very cozy,” Alaribe said. “I really new development will serve as a vibrant
the Atlanta metropolitan area—some like it. The halls are quiet.” She said living and learning community that will
live 20 to 40-plus miles from our cam- she’s looking forward to being able to attract and retain, particularly, students
pus. With traffic, this means more than access the health center, the YMCA and our graduates to come and remain
an hour driving one way,” she said. fitness center and retail establishments. in Georgia.”
Now, this new housing development Alaribe, whose master’s concentra-
“will enhance our students’ ability A NEW ANCHOR FOR THE WEST SIDE tion is global health, will likely fulfill
to focus on their studies … and enjoy Officials throughout the Atlanta Univer- Dr. Montgomery Rice’s desire for MSM
the amenities of modern living with sity Center are eager for the opening of students to remain in Georgia, at least
schoolmates. This enhances their sense the ambulatory health center, a collabo- for a time.
of community.” ration among all four AUC schools that
A big bonus is that the Lee Street will be known as the MSM Community
development is just minutes away from Health and Wellness Center.
Grady Memorial Hospital, one of MSM’s “How exciting it is for our students,” “We wanted a state-
major clinical sites for student medical said Greene, “both in terms of their
rotations, Dr. Anachebe said. medical care and ultimately, for others of-the-art health
When Calbeth Alaribe enrolled in in the community, a world-class health
the MSM physician assistant studies care facility.”
program, she was immediately attracted Scott Taylor, president and CEO of care facility, o ering
to living in the new multiuse develop- Carter, said his development compa-
ment. Alaribe, from Reno, Nevada, had ny is “thrilled” to partner with MSM. integrated care and
received her master’s degree in public “We believe this project will anchor the
health in 2016 from Emory University. southern gateway to the AU Center and technology that was
All too familiar with Atlanta’s notorious the west side of Atlanta while catalyz-
traffic, Alaribe was exactly the type ing more activity in the area,” he said. very student focused.”
of student for whom the project was The ownership joint venture includes
designed. equity investments by MSM, Carter – Dr. Montgomery Rice, MSM president and dean
“Being so close to campus definitely and Campus Life Fund, sponsored by
attracted me,” said Alaribe, who shares Atlantic American Partners.
a two-bedroom apartment with a room- At the 2018 groundbreaking ceremo- “I’m first-generation Nigerian Ameri- OPPOSITE PAGE,
mate. “I really am not for the traffic and ny, Dr. Montgomery Rice said, Atlanta can,” Alaribe said. “I see myself working CLOCKWISE FROM TOP
long commutes,” she said. Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms described in underserved populations in Georgia The strikingly
modern and stylish
Alaribe and her roommate moved the project as “the largest investment but also see myself traveling to other kitchen in the
into an unfurnished unit in June, with in public-private partnership in the countries, especially in Africa, and help- Clubhouse, one of
two bedrooms, two bathrooms, walk- West End in 40 years.” Ultimately, the ing improve health care infrastructure,” Entra’s common
in closets and a shared kitchen, living investment is expected to inspire mil- she said. areas; Alexander
Martinek, on move-in
room and laundry. Each floor offers lions of dollars in new housing, retail The new Lee Street development, Dr. day, carrying a box
a study area. Residents enjoy a huge and office space in the area. Montgomery Rice said, will allow MSM of belongings up to
parklike courtyard with barbecue grills, “We believe that as others see how to fulfill its mission for community his new apartment;
seating among the landscaping and an to successfully partner with historic engagement and partnership. an outdoor space for
gathering is outfitted
adjacent clubhouse with a kitchen. Re- West End, we will see a ripple effect “We believe it’s important for us to with grills, a prep
tail spaces include the 44th & 3rd Book- of not only further development but be visible in the community, partner- sink and seating in a
seller, a family-owned, multicultural community-driven development that ing to bring about needed and desired parklike setting.
book and culture enterprise, and Beauty maintains the rich history and legacy change,” she said.
Industry Suites, salons and business of this area,” Dr. Montgomery Rice said.
suites for independent beauty industry The new Lee Street development
professionals. will help MSM attract and retain the
Alaribe and her roommate will each students who will go on to benefit un-
pay $833 a month after receiving $200- derserved communities throughout
per-month scholarships from Chick- Georgia, Dr. Montgomery Rice said.
fil-A to help students offset their Entra “For more than five years, about 66
10 Primarily Caring Fall 2020
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