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 TOMORROW BETTER                             The word “audacity” is not one we take lightly at Morehouse School

                                             of Medicine. We take to heart its meaning: bold, daring, intrepid,

                                             brave, unflinching. These words describe our founders who, in

 “ Having more people of                     1975, started MSM as a primarily African-American school with

 color and diverse commu-
                                             just one trailer and 24 students.
 nities included in medical

 research will have a major
 impact on how I can help    ese words also describe how we have gone on to build  from college there and going on to great success in
 improve patient outcomes.”  MSM into a world-class health-sciences institution with  commercial banking and hospitality.
                  100 MD students on a multi-acre, multi-site campus with
 – Dr. Jane Smith  education programs, research, clinical innovations, and  Together, they are conscientious, intentional, mission-
                  community service that rival those of any other school.  focused philanthropists who have done great things for
                                                                     Morehouse School of Medicine and for the community
                  MSM has become a destination, a place known for con-  at large. Now it is time that we recognize their boldness,

                  vening critical conversations about healthcare, serving as host  daring, and unflinching bravery with a facility worthy of
                  for Nobel Laureates, Fortune 50 executives, and some of the   their name.
                  most important voices in medicine from around the world.
                                                                     To that end, we are creating the Hank and Yvonne  omas
                  So we need a conference center worthy of these events, a
                  building that can accommodate our bold plan to matriculate   Center for Advancing Health Equity and Collaborative
                  700 students annually by 2020.                     Learning at Morehouse School of Medicine.

                  With such an audacious goal in mind, it makes sense that   Please join us in helping Morehouse School of Medicine to
                  we would look to Henry “Hank”  omas and Yvonne     continue its growth trajectory, celebrate its evolution, and
                   omas for inspiration.                             honor the  omases’ audacity, generosity, and impact by
                                                                     giving today.
                  As you likely know, Hank is one of the original Freedom
                  Riders who, in 1961, was attacked by a violent mob. He   Sincerely,
                  would go on to be arrested 22 times for civil rights activism
                  and create opportunities for people of color in his successful
                  hospitality business. Yvonne did not let searing racism in   Valerie Montgomery Rice, MD
                  her small South Carolina town stop her from graduating   President and Dean

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