Page 10 - Morehouse School of Medicine Scholarship - IMPACT
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Scholarship IMPACT

                                      Making Student Dreams A Reality

                                                 Has the financial bur-
         Darius Stephens                      den of medical school been                   application is not looked
                                                                                           at. Many black students
         Covington, GA                        particularly difficult for                   don’t have access to the
         4th-year M.D. student                you? I don’t believe that I                  same resources and con-
             Why did you choose More-         have had the opportunity                     nections that their peers
         house School of Medicine? I chose    to fully realize the amount                  have and fall short in these
         MSM because it has a long history    of debt that I am in. Right                  2 categories. I believe the
         of producing competent and well      now, my debt is just a                       MCAT should test compe-
         respected black physicians. I knew   number on a computer                         tency to complete medical
         that this process would not be easy,   screen. This number has                    school and not score/strat-
         and I wanted to attend an institu-   however pushed me into thinking      ify applicants.
         tion that I knew would support me.   about specializing in something         Unless this is changed we will
         Having professors and attendees      outside of primary care in order     continue to have a shortage of black
         that look like me and can under-     to pay it off. Thankfully with your   doctors. Scoring in the 99% per-
         stand my background and who I        support, I am no longer as con-      centile on a test does not mean that
         am as a person has been invaluable.   cerned about it.                    a person will be an overall better
                                                                                   physician in an actual hospital.

             What first interested you in        Please share how scholarship         There are so many intangible
         your program of study or medicine?   support helps you — academically,    things that is a part of being a phy-
         Was there a “light bulb or “a-ha”    professionally, and personally? This  sician that can’t be figured out via a
         moment? I have wanted to be a        scholarship has made the finan-      test. Research clearly shows when
         doctor since I was a child. There    cial burden of medical school less   a patient has a physician that looks
         was never a “light bulb moment.      daunting. I now know that I will     like them, they have better health
         The fact that there was a profession   not be as deep in debt and will be   outcomes.
         where you get to cure the sick and   able to comfortably live without
         be a role model to others has always   that stressor as a physician and      If you could say or do one
         been attractive to me. I didn’t have   father when I graduate and have a   thing to thank your scholarship
         a black male doctor until I was 23   family of my own.                    donors what would it be? Thanks
         years old and that has been one of                                        to your generosity a great deal of
         my motivators throughout medical        What is your take on the na-      the burden of my medical educa-
         school.                              tionwide shortage of Black doctors?   tion expenses will be alleviated.
                                              Many medical schools say they look  Your contribution will lead to more

             Was the institution’s mission    at an applicant as a whole, but this   black providers and subsequently
         important to you, when you were      is not true for most. If a student   healthier black and brown lives in
         choosing a medical school? Yes, the   does not have a certain GPA or      America.
         institution was created for students   MCAT score, a lot of the time their
         like me. The institution’s mission
         statement is to improve the diver-
         sity of the medical field. I do not                 Scoring in the 99% percentile on a (MCAT) test
         have anybody in my family that is                   does not mean that a person will be an overall
         in the medical field and will be the       “        better physician ... Research clearly shows when
         first physician in my family. I hope               a patient has a physician that looks like them,
         to practice some day  in Atlanta,                  they have better health outcomes.
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