Page 5 - Medical Association of Atlanta Scholarship Report
P. 5

Medical Association of Atlanta Scholarship Impact

                                     Making Student Dreams A Reality

        Monique Merritt-Atkins, M.D.                           medical school, we are not

        2016 MSM graduate                                      able to work and most of
                                                               the funding either comes
        2016 Medical Association of Atlanta Scholarship        from scholarships or loans.
        2017-19 Morehouse Healthcare Resident                  The scholarship support

        • What kind of impact did a scholarship have on you?   I received allowed some-
        Receiving a scholarship meant that someone believed    one like me to fulfill her
        in me, just as much as I believed in myself. It let me   dreams.
        know that someone else sees something in me as much    • What would you like to
        as I see something in myself. And that’s a sense of    say to the Medical Asso-
        hope.                                                  ciation of Atlanta who
        • What have you accomplished that you are most         provided you scholarship
        proud of? I am so proud of making it through this      support? Thank you for the impact you have had on
        journey and graduating from medical school, and        my life. Serving the less fortunate is a passion for me
        I can’t thank my friends and family enough. I was      because I come from similar circumstances. MSM has
        raised by a single mother. My father was an alcoholic   inspired me to be a community leader, in addition to
        and my mom pretty much did everything for me. In       being a physician.

        MSM Scholarship Impact Video
        Monique Merritt-Atkins, M.D. - featured in video
        Click below to watch video
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