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The Campaign for MSM

        IMPACT – The World Needs What We Do Best

            For more than four decades,
        MSM has educated and graduated
        the healthcare learners and leaders
        our nation needs most. The major-
        ity serve in primary care and more
        than half practice in underserved
        communities. This work has not
        gone unnoticed; a national study
        twice named MSM as the top med-
        ical school for fulfilling the social   dertaking a multi-year, $150-mil-        What We Do Best
        mission of medical education.        lion comprehensive campaign
            Today, we are:                   called IMPACT: The World Needs
          •  Expanding the number of stu-    What We Do Best, which will
        dents enrolled in our Master’s, PhD,   launch in the Spring of 2021.
        and MD programs;                         The Campaign will be led by
          •  Adding new degrees to meet      Co-Chairs — Chairman and Chief
        the evolving needs of the healthcare   Executive Officer of UPS David Ab-
        workforce;                           ney and Larry Renfro, Vice Chair-
          •  Revolutionizing care delivery;   man of UnitedHealth Group and
          •  Making breakthroughs in re-     Founding and Managing Partner of
        search;                              Optum Ventures.                      and Mrs. Ginger Sullivan, Dr. Da-
          •  Pioneering clinical innovations;    An impressive group of nation-   vid Satcher, Hank and Billye Suber
        and                                  ally and internationally recognized   Aaron, and Ambassador Andrew
          •  Connecting with the commu-      business, political, and civic leaders   and Mrs. Carolyn Young.
        nity to make a difference.           have been assembled to provide          MSM also has created five
            To fund all of this progress,    addtional leadership. The Council    Strategic Councils, each focusing
        growth, and change, MSM is un-       includes Honorary Chairs Dr. Louis   on one of the Campaign’s strategic
                                                                                  initiatives: Clinical Innovation,
                                                                                  Community Service, Education,
                                                                                  Pipeline Programs, and Research
                                                                                     The goal of the Campaign is to
                                                                                  permanently raise the long-term
                                                                                  fundraising capacity of the school.
                                                                                  Investments will fund scholarships,
                                                                                  faculty research, capital construc-
                                                                                  tion, and other projects that ensure
                                                                                  our students succeed to graduation
                                                                                  — all while keeping top-of-mind
                                                                                  MSM’s mission to create and ad-
                                                                                  vance healthcare equity.
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