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Long-time MSM Donors Dr. Zach W. Hall and Julie Ann Giacobassi
        ‘We both believe in helping others, and paying it forward’

                 ou might think a scientist   have been important topics in       the Department of Neurobiology at
                 and an English horn-play-   Zach’s life since his childhood in   Harvard Medical School. In 1976
          Yer would have little in           segregated Atlanta. As a teen he     he was recruited to the Univer-
         common, what with one being         hosted a thoughtful conversation     sity of California San Francisco’s
         more of a pragmatist and the other   at his church about equity with     Department of Physiology, where
         a creative musician. But when Dr.   students from Morehouse College      headed the Division of Neurobiolo-
         Zach W. Hall and Julie Ann Gi-      and later, after graduating from Yale  gy and created an interdepartmen-
         acobassi first met, backstage after a   University in 1958 with a bachelor’s  tal neuroscience program.
         San Francisco Symphony concert,     degree in English, participated in     In 1994 he became the head of
         they found they shared many sim-    civil rights demonstrations.         the Biomedical Sciences Gradu-
         ilar interests — including a mis-     Zach went on to earn his PhD       ate Program and was appointed
         sion to help improve lives through   in biochemistry from Harvard in     Director of the National Institute
         education and equity.               1966 and then worked as a fellow     of Neurological Disorders and
          “Both science and music involve    in biochemistry at Stanford Uni-     Stroke at the National Institutes for
         searching and testing — always      versity before joining the faculty of   Health. At the time, the institute
         trying to make the music or the
         experiment better,” Julie says. “And
         we both believe in helping others,
         and paying it forward.”
          That is exactly what they’ve done
         as long-time supporters of basic
         science, specifically neuroscience,
         at Morehouse School of Medi-
         cine. Over time they have helped
         raise more than $775,000 for the
         Zach Hall Neuroscience Endowed
         Scholarship, the Drs. Peter and
         Marlene MacLeish Lectureship,
         and the Furshpan Potter Endowed
         and Direct Scholarship Funds.
          “Morehouse School of Medicine’s
         primary aim is health equity,” Zach
         says. “Training researchers in basic
         science and neuroscience may
         seem to have no direct connection
         to health equity, but it is an im-
         portant investment in our med-
         ical future. We must engage and
         encourage talent from all segments
         of our population.”
          Diversity, equity, and inclusion
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