Page 49 - Presentations - Campaign
P. 49
Medically Underserved Areas, GA
Catoosa Fannin Towns MSM Applicants, Interviewees, &
Dade Murray Union Rabun
Mission Alignment
Walker Gilmer White Habersham Matriculants 2019-2020
Lumpkin Stephens
Chattooga Gordon
Dawson Franklin
Hall Banks Hart 7316 Applicants
Floyd Bartow Cherokee Forsyth 415 Interviewees
% of MD Jackson Madison Elbert 100 Matriculants
Polk Cobb Barrow Clarke
students Paulding Gwinnett Oglethorpe
Haralson DeKalb Walton Oconee Wilkes Lincoln MSM Received Applications from 821
matriculating Douglas Fulton Rockdale Greene Taliaferro Applicants from 74 Counties in GA
in 2019-20 Carroll Fayette Henry Newton Morgan Warren McDuffie Columbia
came from Heard Coweta Spalding Butts Jasper Putnam Hancock Glascock Richmond MSM Interviewed 178 Applicants
medically Troup Meriwether Pike Lamar Monroe Jones Baldwin Jefferson Burke from 38 Counties in Georgia
underserved Upson Bibb Wilkinson Washington Jenkins
communities Harris Talbot Crawford Twiggs Johnson Screven MSM Matriculated 55 Applicants
From 21 Counties in Georgia
in Georgia* Muscogee Taylor Peach Laurens Emanuel
Houston Bleckley Treutlen Candler Bulloch
Chattahoochee Macon Effingham
Schley Pulaski Montgomery
Dooly Dodge Evans Legend
Stewart Webster Sumter Wheeler Toombs Bryan
Wilcox Tattnall Chatham
Crisp Telfair
Quitman Liberty
Terrell Jeff Davis Entire county is a MUA
Randolph Lee Turner Ben Hill Appling Long
Clay Irwin Bacon
Calhoun Dougherty Coffee Wayne County contains areas
Worth Tift McIntosh
Early Baker Berrien Atkinson Pierce that are not MUAs and
Mitchell Glynn areas that are MUAs or
Miller Colquitt Cook Ware Brantley
1,705 Total Alumni Lanier have MUPs
Seminole Grady Clinch Charlton Camden
1,054 Practice in Primary Care Decatur Thomas Brooks Lowndes Not a MUA and does
not contain MUPs
*Counties designated as medically underserved areas
or counties which have populations that are medically