Page 52 - FMJournal_2017_FINAL
P. 52

We Proudly Support

         The Office of the Appellate Defender

         and the 24  Annual
         Mock Supreme Court Argument &

         Gala Cocktail Reception

         and Congratulate
         Barry H. Berke and John F. Savarese

         Recipients of the Gould Award for Outstanding Oral Advocacy

         Christopher P. Reynolds

         Recipient of the OAD Counsel for Justice Award

         N E W YOR K    BE I J I NG    HONG KONG    HOUS T ON    L ON D ON    L O S A NGE L E S
                    PA L O A LT O        S ÃO PAU L O        SE OU L        T OK YO        WA SH I NGT ON, D.C .
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