Page 52 - oxford_discover_2_student_book_Neat 2 1
P. 52

Bead  ®

            Today,  com m u n ication   a n d   travel  a r e   fast,

            a n d   it's  e a s y   to  g e t  n ew s.  But  a   long  time  a g o
                                                                                                    T h in k -------------
            things  w e r e   v e r y   different.
                                                                                                    What’s the main idea?

            Com m unication                                                          oO

            Long  a g o ,  people  used  letters  to  communicate.  They  mailed

            letters  to  friends  and  families.  Letters w ere carried  by

            horse and  cart,  and  later  by train  or  boat.  Today,                                      *

            communication  is  different and  letters  a re  carried

            by airplane.  W e  can  use  e-mail,  text  m essages,  or

            phone  calls  to  communicate quickly with  friends                                  M

            and  family all  over the world.                                                    M


             Find  one detail

           o f the main idea

                                                    My great-grandma  mailed a                               I send e-mails to

                                                    letter to her friend  in  London.
                                                                                                           ny friend  in  London
                                                    It took two months to get there
                                                                                                           She can  read them
                                                                                                                right away.
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