Page 67 - oxford_discover_2_student_book_Neat 2 1
P. 67

P ro ject:  In te rv ie w   a n   A d u lt

          o      Interview an adult.
                                                                                           In te rv ie w
                 •  Ask him or her questions about
                                                                                In B . ■  How  d 'd   you  cjo  to sc h o o l^  ra n d  met  ?
                     life now and long ago.

                 •  Write a report of the interview.                           Gran dry) a  i/Ve  walked.

                 •  Draw or find pictures.
                                                                               Me       V 'dyou travel to places
                                                                                    ^Jlery far away l_

          O   Put your interview on the wall.                                  Grandma:  No,  but m   traveled to  the city

                 Tell the class one interesting                                             by  bus.  Many people  didn't
                                                                                                         Itove  cars  then
                 thing from the interview.

                                      My grandm other                          Ml  ■  D id you  watch  TV  ?
                                   listened to the  radio
                                                                               Grandma ■ No,  We  didn't.
                                   a  long time ago.  She
                                                                                               iNe  Idle meet  to  the  radio.
                                     w atches TV  every

                                           night now.                          Me I  Thank y0u)  Grandma.

          O   Walk around the room. Look                                      T in a ’s grandfather

                 at all the interviews. Say one                                lived  in  New York

                                                                             a  long time ago.  He
                 thing about each interview.
                                                                             lives  in  Boston  now.

                                                                                                                    W hat  did  you
                                                                         Watch the video.  a                      learn  about  how

                                                                                                                 things  are  different
                                                                 o      Think more about                           from  long  ago?

                      BIG QUESTION  Q                                    the Big Question.

                 How are things

                   different now                                 O   Complete the

                                                                         Big Question
                 from long ago?

                                                                                  Project: Interview on Adult  •  Big Question 3
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