Page 9 - oxford_discover_2_student_book_Neat 2 1
P. 9

WRITE                            MAKE

          about what                      anim al
          anim als are like.              picture cards.

                                                                                       BIG QUESTION o

                                                                                How are animals

                                                                                   different from

                                                                                     one another?

                                                                       O  Watch the video.  a

                                                                       0 Look at the picture. What do you see?

                                                                              1  How many animals can you see?

                                                                              2  Where do you think they are?

                                                                       G Think and answer the questions.

                                                                              1  What animals do you like?

                                                                              2  Which animals help us?

                                                                       0      Fill out the Big Question Chart.

                                                                                 W h at  do  you

                                                                                  know  about
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