Page 92 - Big4 Tieng Anh 7 - Tap 1_Neat (1)
P. 92

1. A   2. C   3. B    4. C   5. C            5.  No, it isn‟t

                   1. D   2.B    3. B    4. A   5. C

               B  VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR                         D SPEAKING
               III.                                             XI.
                   1. D       2. C       3. A      4. D            Traditional    Traditional    Visual arts

                   5. B       6. C       7. B      8. A              Music          Theatre
                                                                 Quan Ho
                                                                 BacNinh Folk    TuongSinging
                   play       draw        take       work        Song            CheoSinging    Silk Painting
                                                                 NhaNhac                        Dong Ho
                an         a portrait   a photo    as anactress                  CaiLuongSingi  Painting
                                                                 CaTru Singing   ng
                instrument  a picture   somemone   as anactor    XamSinging                     Martial Arts
                music      the sky     y           hard          XoanSinging     Water Puppet
                the piano   an umbrella   an umbrella
                basketball   a house   a bus                     E  LISTENING

               V.                                               XIII.
                   1.has worked  2.will become 3.are                A. painting          B. drawing
                   4.has traveled  5.wrote                          C. sculpture         D. ceramics

               VI.                                                  E. print-making
                   1.a saxophone 2.a guitar     3.a piano       XIV.
                   4.violin      5.a drum       6. a flute      1.

               VII.                                                 1. T   2. T   3. F   4. T    5. F
                   1.musical     2.artist         2.
                   4.paintings   5.good                             1. art lover   2.artistic

               VIII.                                                3. amazing    4. matchstick  5. exhibit
                   1. B       2. C       3. A      4. B         Listening transcript:

                   5. A       6. D       7. A      8. B             I‟m  a  great  art  lover.  I  look  at  beautiful
                                                                paintings and sculptures and wish I could be
                   9. B       10. C      11. B     12. A
                                                                artistic. I can‟t draw or paint to save my life. I
               C  READING
                                                                wonder why some people are so talented and
               IX.                                              can  create  amazing  pictures,  when  other
                   1. works              2. programme           people,  like  me,  can‟t  even  draw  good
                   3. interesting        4. people              matchstick  figures.  I  would  like  to  fill  my

                   5. Friday             6. gets up             house  with  art  from  all  over  the  world.  It‟s
                                                                interesting to see how different cultures have
                   7. theatre            8. in bed
                                                                different  kinds  of  art.  There‟s  nothing  better
                   9. visits             10. likes              than  visiting  art  galleries  when  you  go  to

               X.                                               another country. I prefer more traditional art. I
               1.  Yes, they do                                 don‟t really understand a lot of modern art. I

               2.  They  turn  on  music  in  parties,  club,   look  at  an  exhibit  of  a  pile  of  bricks  in  a
                   weddings and restaurants as well.            museum  but  can‟t  see  how  it‟s  art.  I  always
                                                                laugh when my children say, “Daddy, I can do
               3.  They  like  music  because  it  helps  them
                   forget sadness and makes them feel more      better than that!” I often think they can.
                   love in life.                                 F  WRITING
               4.  They feel so tired.                          XVI.
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