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C   aim  [eim]  n.
                             An aim is a goal someone wants to make happen.
                             -* My aim is to become a helicopter pilot.

                          r  attach  [atsetj]  *

                             To attach is to put two things together.
                             -+I attached the socks to the clothesline to dry.

                          r  bet  [bet]  v.
                             To bet is to risk money on the result of a game or a business.
                             -»How much will you bet that your horse will win?

                          r  carriage  [k3end3]  n.
                             A carriage is a vehicle pulled by a horse.

                             -*■We took a carriage ride in the park.
                          r   C la S S iC   [klaesik]  adj.
                             If something is classic, it is typical.
                             -» The athlete made a classic mistake-he started running too soon.

                          r  commute  [kamu t]  *
                             To commute is to travel a long distance to get to work.
                             -»I usually commute to work on the train.

                          r  confirm  [kanfaxm]  v.
                             To confirm is to make sure something is correct.
                             -* Winning the game confirmed that James was a good player.

                          r  criticize  [kritisaiz]  v.
                             To criticize is to say you do not like someone or something.
                                He criticized his wife forspending too much money.

                          r  differ  [difar]  v.
                             To differ is to not be the same as another person or thing.

                              ->I differ from my brother: he is short, while I am tall.
                          r  expense  [ikspens]  n.
                              An expense is the money that people spend on something.
                              -* She wrote down all the expenses for her trip.
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