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r gram [grein] a
vUX> , Grain is food crops such as wheat, corn, rice or oats.
X,lL Jiii? -» The farmer planted two fields of grain this year.
r greet igitt] v.
To greet someone means to meet and welcome them.
— When my friend came over, I greeted him at the door.
r investigate [investegeit] v.
To investigate means to search for something or learn about it.
— The detective went to investigate the crime.
r joy [d30i] n.
Joy is a feeling you get when you are really happy.
-*■I love baseball. I feel joy when I play.
r label [leibal] n.
A label is a tag that tells about something.
-*■The label on the back of your shirt will tell you what size it is.
r monk [mAt]k] n.
A monk is a religious person who lives a simple life.
-►The monks knew a lot about religion.
r O d d [ad] adj.
When something is odd, it is unusual.
-►Her cat is odd. It walks on two feet.
r pause lpo:z] V.
To pause means to stop doing something for a while.
-* Since she was so hungry, she paused to make a snack.
r priest tpri:st] n.
A priest is a person trained to perform religious duties.
-♦The priest taught us about God.
r profession [prafejan] n.
A profession is a person’s job.
-» He loved sailing, so he chose to work on ships as a profession.