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r astronaut [aestranoit] n.
An astronaut is a person that goes into outer space.
-* The astronaut was walking on the moon.
r awake [aweik] adj.
When you are awake, you are not asleep.
-*■Sometimes I lay awake in bed because I am not tired.
r courage [ka:nd3] n
When you have courage, you are not afraid.
-*•The man had the courage to touch the lion.
r float [flout] V.
To float is to move on top of water without sinking.
-*•The boy’s toy boat floated in the pool.
r grant [graent] v.
To grant something is to allow someone to have it.
-* The teacher granted us a break after studying hard all day.
r gravity [graevati] n.
Gravity is the force that makes things fall to Earth.
-*•There is no gravity in space.
r jewel [d3u:el] n.
A jewel is a beautiful stone that is worth a lot of money.
-»A diamond is one of the most expensive jewels in the world.
C miner [mainar] n.
A miner is a person who works in a mine.
-►The miner was looking for gold.
r mineral [mneral] n.
A mineral is a type of substance found in the Earth.
-*■Rocks are made up of different kinds of minerals.
r participate [pa:rtisepeit] v.
To participate is to take part in something.
-* The students participated in the school play.