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r bath [baee] n.
A bath is water in a tub. People take a bath to get clean.
—•After playing in the dirt, the boy took a bath.
r bend [bend] v.
To bend is to move something so it is not straight.
-* Lee bent over and picked up the paper on the ground.
r chew [t/u:i v.
To chew is to move your mouth to break up food.
-* I always chew my food carefully before swallowing it.
r disabled [diseibald] adj.
When a person is disabled, they cannot do what a normal person can do.
-*•The disabled man used a wheelchair to move around.
r fantastic [fasntaestik] adj.
If something is fantastic, it is really good.
-*■The student did a fantastic job on his project and got an award.
r fiction [fi'kjan] n.
Fiction is a story that is not true.
-»I enjoy reading works of fiction because they are very entertaining.
r flag [flaeg] n.
A flag is a piece of colored cloth that represents something.
-* Our country has a beautiful flag.
r inspect [inspekt] v.
To inspect is to look at something carefully.
-►The mechanic inspected our car to see if it had any problems.
r journal [d3a:msl] n.
A journal is a type of magazine that deals with an academic subject.
— Mi-young was busy working on an article for an art journal.
r liquid [h'kwid] n.
A liquid is a substance that is neither solid nor gas.
Water is the most important liquid for life.