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C h e S t   [tjest]  n.
                          The chest is the front part of a person’s body under the neck.
                          -* The water in the lake was as high as my chest.

                          confidence [kartfidans]  n.
                          If you have confidence about something, you are sure of it.
                          -* I have confidence that I did well on the test.

                          consequence  [kansikwens]  n.
                          A consequence is a result of a choice or action.
                          -’ Asa consequence of missing my bus, I had to find another way to work.

                           disaster [dizaestar]  n.
                          A disaster is a really bad thing that happens.
                          — When the car crashed, it was a disaster.

                           disturb  [distarb]  v.
                          To disturb someone means to upset them.
                           -» The loud noise disturbed me while I was working.

                           estimate [estameit]  v.
                           To estimate something means to make a guess about it.

                           -*■The boy estimated that he was one meter tall.
                           honor [ana/-]  v.
                           When you honor people or things, you show respect for them.
                           -»I honor my science teacher by working hard in class.

                       r impress  [impres]  v.
                           To impress someone means to make that person proud.
                           -* He was able to impress the girls with his new dance.

                       r marathon  [mseraedn]  n.
                           A marathon is a very long foot race just over 42 kilometers.

                           ->I ran a marathon, and now my legs are tired.
                           n a rrO W   [naerou]  adj.
                           When something is narrow, it is very thin.
                           -* The bridge is too narrow for a car to drive over.

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