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r proceed [prasiid] v.
To proceed is to go in a certain direction.
-►My son and I proceeded to the beach so we could go fishing.
O p u r e [pjuer] adj.
If something is pure, it is very clear and beautiful.
-►The rose was pure. It had no dirt or imperfections.
r relative [relativ] n.
A relative is a family member.
-*•My relatives came by to see the new baby.
r senior [sf:njar] adj.
If one is senior, they are the oldest or have been there the longest.
-» Because he got his job first, Bob is the senior chef.
r silent [sailant] adj.
If someone or something is silent, they make no sound.
-* Since no one was home, the house was silent.
r sink [sink] V.
To sink into something is to slowly fall into it.
-*■The boat had a hole in it, and it sank into the ocean.
r superior [sapiariar] adj.
If someone or something is superior, they are better than another.
-*■I think cooking outdoors is superior to cooking indoors.
r surround [s9raund] v.
To surround something is to close in on it from all sides.
— 1/1e surrounded the suspect on all four sides.
r thick [eik] adj.
If something is thick, it is wide and solid.
-*■The fog was so thick that I couldn’t see through it.
r wrap Nep] *
To wrap is to cover something on all sides.
-►I wrapped his gift and put a bow on it.