Page 6 - Our Discovery Island 3 Student Book full_Neat 1
P. 6
Vocobulory fd*rt,l&:ers: iwenty-one to fifty
i1,4*n?$"1* *f fhe yemr: Jonuory, Februory, Morch, April, Moy, June, July, August, September, October,
November, December
StructUres Whot's your fovorite doy? My fovorite doy is Sundoy.
When were you born? I wos born in Jonuory.
Were you born in Moy? Yes, I wos. / No, I wosn't. I wos born in June.
Vocobulory fSutune: onimol, sun, rock, pond, birds, flowers, insects, mushrooms, clouds, Vglues: Ploy outside. Ploy sofe.
trees, onts, worms, spiders, butterflies, roses, roinbow, wind,
StfuClufeS How mony onimols ore there? There's one purple onimol.
ffi*?h: Plus, minus, equols
How mony birds ore there? There ore two blue birds,
There ore some onts. / There oren't ony onts.
Phonics: *ir, eor
Are there ony onts? Yes, there ore. / No, there oren't.
foir, poir, hoir, choir, teor, yeor,
Is there o roinbow? Yes, there is. / No, there isn'i. heor, neor
Is there ony wind? Yes, there's some wind. / No, there isn't ony wind.
Vocobulory Physieul eh*rcct*risti*s: o smoll nose, o block mustoche, o short beord, Volues: Hove good hobiis. Keep
lhick eyebrows, brown eyes, smoll glosses, red hoir, groy hoir, blond hoir, cleon ond heolthy.
o round chin, o strong chest, o floi stomoch, brood shoulders, strong orms,
long eyeloshes, o long neck, short fingernoils Cross-curricular:
$eience: Wild onimols
StruCtUreS I hove o smoll nose.
I don't hove thick eyebrows.
Phonics: cy, er
He/She hos o smoll nose.
soy, doy, woy, ploy, dinner,
He/She doesn't hove thick eyebrows. summer, hommer, letter
Do you hove o round chih? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
Does he/she hove brood shoulders? Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesn't.
Vocobulory &mintcef b*dy pcrfs; o toil, o beok, wings, feothers, clows, fins, pows, whiskers, Volues: Toke core of your pel.
skin, fur
;{nimrc$ ehmr*xc}enisfie*: spotted fur, striped fur, soft fur, smooih skin, o hord Cross-curriculor:
shell, shorp clows Science: Animol life cycles
&d"jeef*v**; cute, scory, fost, slow
Phonics: em, oi
StrUClUres Whot does it look like? It hos o toil. It doesn't hove wings.
eot, teo, leof, peoch, oil, coin,
Whot do they look like? They hove ioils. They don't hove wings.
join, foil
Do you hove o dog? Yes, I do. It's cute. / No, I don't.
Does it hove spotted fur? Yes, it does. / No, it doesn't.
VocabulOry fiurnishlrlgxr plont, mirror, picture, shower, closet, gorboge con Volues: Help ot home.
Fr*p**iticn*: below, obove, behind, in front of, next to
$"$*r**c&'roid i?er*s: computer, cupboord, toothbrush, comb, broom, plotes, pots, Cross-curriculor:
pons, towels, blonkets &rf: Mosoics
StruCtUreS There's o plont in the living room. Phonics: a_e, i_e, o e
There ore two plonts in the living room. coke, wove, shope, lime, dive,
The plont is below the mirror. / It's below the mirror. like, bone, home, noie
The plonts ore below the mirror. / They're below the mirror.
Is ihe compuler in the bedroom? Yes, il is. / No, it isn't. It's in the living room.
Are the plotes in the cupboord?
Yes, they ore. / No, they oren't. They're in the sink.