Page 70 - Our Discovery Island 3 Student Book full_Neat 1
P. 70
Stick. Then osk, onswer, qnd drow.
Are you weoring shorts? i
.'W No, I'm not. My turn. ;
*Ss" Are you weoring o scorf?
.,ti *
x*e*gl$kffi{isi&ir::*.. !t!5r* n*rir$6*s.iii'
Yes, I om. 3
* tVtg __.)
Now tell onother friend:
This is mY fovorite
I Studenls work in poirs.
If he/she guesses
These ore mY fovorite Eoch student chooses correcfly, he/she drows
stickers of clothing items
the ilem in his/her friend,s
for himself/herself.
box. Students toke turns
2 Sludents ploy guessing.
3 Sludenis keep osking ond
The winner is the first one
onswering unlil they hove
to try to guess the
guessed correcfly ond
clothing items his/her
finished their drowing.
friend hos chosen.