Page 97 - Our Discovery Island 3 Student Book full_Neat 1
P. 97

My nome's Koy. I'm from.Iomoico.
                                                    My fovorite lunch is jerk  chicken
                                                    with rice ond peos. It's o
                                                    troditionol dish. Yum! I olso like
                                                    meot potties. I love them ond
                                                    they're very heolthy. I olso like

                                                    fruit ond vegetobles,  but I don't  I
                                                    like pumpkin soup.

                                                                                               je!'_k chicken

              1  €.$r,..

                                                       I'm Berto ond I'm from ltoly. My fovoriie
                                                       dinner is pizzo with cheese ond tomotoes.
                                                       I olso like posto ond ice creom.
                                                       Chocolote  ice creom is
                                                       delicious, but I don't like
                                                       strowberry  ice creom.

                          Ask ond onswer.

              1 Does Andreo like osodo?
              2  Does Zeki like postries?

              3  Does Koy like pumpkin soup?
              4  Does Berto like strowberry ice creom?
              5 Whot's your fovorite food?
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