Page 47 - Full SuperKids 3 Student Book_Neat 1 1
P. 47
Number l.
Whose notebook is this?
Look. Cover. Ask. Answer.
Wrile his or her.
**@ tr#iryB twfr, ffiffi *m ffid@
Inslruclions: Get into poirs. Look ol the pictures of the boy ond girl for 30 seconds. Then cover them. Look ot the smoll picture of the notebook. Ask
your portner o question ond wrile the onswer. Toke turns with your portner to osk ond onswer questions. Fill in lhe blonks. Uncover the piclures to
check the onswers.
@ Listen.Sing.
On your mork
On your mork, get set ond go, go, go!
On your mork, get set ond go, go, go!
Come on. Come on, Chip. You con do it!
On your mork, get set ond go, go, go!
Go Chip, go Chip, run, run, run!
Go Chip, go Chip, run, run, run!
Come on. Come on, Chip. You con do it!
Chip won. Hooroy!