Page 63 - Full SuperKids 3 Student Book_Neat 1 1
P. 63
PIoy tiddlywinks. Soy.
Inslruclions: Get inlo poirs. Toke turns 1o ihrow o coin on to o spoce ond moke o sentence. If you lond on more thon one spoce, moke o
sentence for eoch picture. If you don't lond on the boord, you miss o turn.
@ Listen. Chont.
Do you wont to see my cqt?
Do you wont to see my cot?
Sure. Where is it?
In the bedroom.
In the bedroom? Do you wont to see my dog?
Yes, it's in the bedroom.
Sure. Where is it?
In the kitchen.
In the kitchen?
Yes, il's in the kitchen.