Page 69 - Full SuperKids 3 Student Book_Neat 1 1
P. 69
Cover your friend's chort. Ask. Wrile. =i
Inslructions: Gel into poirs, Student A ond Student B. Cover your portnefs pictures. Don't lel your porlner see your book. Then loke lurns to osk
ond onswer lhe questions. Fill in the blonks.
@ Listen. Chont.
Is the bokery next lo the librory?
Is the bokery next lo the librory?
No, it isn't. It's next to the supermorket.
Is the pet shop next to the museum?
No, it isn't. It's next to the ioy store.
Is the restouroni next to the bookstore?
Yes, it is. It's next to the bookstore.