Page 153 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_3_Student_Book_Neat (1)
P. 153
4 What does Amy say to Robert? Match 1-5 with Readthe article.Choose the right words and
a-h.You don't have to use all the letters. write them on the lines.
ÿ O b
O No,they're chocolate truffles. Emperor Penguins
i Q —
O Ididn't buy them. Imade them.
20 —
Pi Imixedwarm chocolate with cream.
Q Of course. Go ahead.
AO —
CH They're good, aren't they?
SO —
Where do Emperor Penguins live?
a How longdo you have to cook them? Emperor Penguins live in _ Antarctica,
b Arc those chocolate cakes?
at the South Pole. 1 _ spend the entire
c That tastes delicious!
winter on the open ice. No other animals
d How did you make them?
e Yes, they're better than chocolate cakes! do this.
f May Ihave that little truffle? 2_ big are Emperor Penguins?
g Do you like making cakes?
Emperor Penguins are about 115 cm high.
h Were they expensive? 3_
They are the kindof penguin inthe
Readthe letter and write the missing words. world.
Write one word on each line. _
VI * is the íifecycieoffmperor Penguins?
5 _ winter the female Emperor Penguin
lays one egg. She the egg with the
male,then goes away for two months to find
food. A strong wind makes the temperature
7 _ to about -50°C, but under the male
Dear Brian, penguin's body the egg is nice and
Incredibly,the male penguin doesn't eat
You've heard abou+ plans -for a
9 _ food at this time. After two months
-trip +o +he jungle, Aaven'f nou? I'm
1 _ +o ¿-tuck) some ver\j unusual the female returns 10 _ looks after the
bu++erflies, and I+hinK ¡+'11 be ver\j chick.The male goes away to find food.
2_ Suz.\j -fell \)0u abou+ her Km) on at
adven+ures in +he jungle las+ >ÿear? 1 It He They
3_ had a lo+ of difficulties and 2 What How Who
3 big bigger biggest
,o+ ill, +oo 4 _ v/orr\j abou+ me 4 What How When
? be -fine I've go+ good guide and 5 At On Every
I've been +o +ha+ jungle +hree +imes 6 leaves 's leaving left
K/ow, I mus+ go and pacK m\j bags I 7 fall falling to fall
5_ even s+ar+ed packing! 8 warmly warm warmest
9 any some many
Richard 10 so and because
Revision 9 151