Page 9 - English_Vocabulary_-_DK_English_for_Everyone_Neat 1
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How to use this book

        Each unit of English for Everyone: English Vocabulary Builder
                                                                        LOOK AT THE PICTURE AND WRITE THE CORRECT WORD
                                                                                          LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND MARK THE CORRECT PICTURE FOR EACH
                                                                       FOR EACH LABEL    WORD YOU HEAR
        consists of a teaching spread and a practice spread. Teaching
        spreads give you an illustrated vocabulary list on a particular
        topic. Practice spreads include a variety of exercises to reinforce
        what you have learned. Supporting audio                                           WRITE THE CORRECT WORD UNDER EACH PICTURE
                                                   Around town
        for each teaching spread is available on   AROUND TOWN          FIND FIVE MORE WORDS IN THE GRID THAT MATCH THE PICTURES
        the website and app. The best way to
        learn spoken vocabulary is to listen to the
        audio and repeat each word and phrase                         296                             297
        on the spread. If you have difficulty                                               PRACTICE SPREAD
        understanding a word or phrase, look it
        up in your dictionary or the word list at
        the back of this book.                                                       TEACHING SPREAD

          Teaching spreads

             Unit number The book is
             divided into units. The unit   Modules Most teaching spreads are   Module number Every module is
               number helps you keep   broken down into modules covering   identified with a unique number, so
                track of your progress.     different aspects of a topic.   you can easily locate the related audio.

                                 Books and reading                   READING AND GENRES
           Write-on lines You
            are encouraged to
              write your own
          translations of English
          words to create your
          own reference pages.

                                USEFUL EXPRESSIONS
           Sample sentences
          Some modules show
          useful English phrases   [highly positive reviews]  [to take a quick look inside a book]
            in the context of a
            sample sentence.
                              [a series of events that make up a story]  [a book that sells a large number of copies]

                              [a novel that makes you want
                              to read more]   [containing difficult or intellectual ideas]
                             258                                                                 259

            Definitions Idiomatic English   Supporting graphics Visual cues   Audio support All teaching modules are
               phrases are accompanied     help you understand and    supported by audio recordings to help you
                      by definitions.     remember new vocabulary.  recognize and pronounce spoken vocabulary.


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