Page 97 - Big4 Tieng anh 9 tap 2_Neat
P. 97

3.  unable to be reached or to get into                    .......................................

                      4.  the moment at which an aircraft’s wheels or part of a
                         spacecraft  make  contact  with  the  ground  during  .......................................

                      5.  the language that a person has grown up speaking from   .......................................
                         early childhood.

                      6.  the  physical  state  of  astronauts  in  the  condition  of   .......................................
                      7.  a document attesting a level of achievement in a course   .......................................
                         of study or training.
                      8.  officially  register  as  a  member  of  an  institution  or  a   .......................................
                         student on a course.

                IV   Fill in the gap with a suitable phrase or idiom given below.

                      burn the midnight oil        take into account            make a bundle

                      nine-to-five                 behind the scenes            break the bank
                      once in a blue moon          over the moon                out of this world

                   1.  ................................... I go to the cinema, only when there’s a film I really want to see.

                   2.  Both  my  parents  work  ........................................  in  the  state-owned  companies.
                       Theygo to work together every morning.

                   3.  Oh,  this  business  seems  really  profitable.  Do  you  think  that  you  can
                       ........................................ by investing in it?
                   4.  I asked my parents to allow me to join a five-day tour to Da Nang with my classmates
                       thissummer holiday, and they said that they would ........................................ my idea.
                   5.  Oh,  your  chocolate  cake  is  ........................................  I  have  never  tasted  such
                       adelicious cake. Can you tell me the recipe?

                V  Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).
                   1.  If  you  want  to  become  a  ..................,  you  need  to  know  a  lot  about  cultures  and
                       customs ofdifferent places.

                       A. tourist guide     B. biologist          C.businessman agent
                   2.  When she opened this flower shop, she didn’t think that she could ............... a bundle.
                       A. have              B.earn                C.make               D.get

                   3.  More  and  more  women  in  developing  countries  are  entering  universities  and
                       gettinghigher education .................. .
                       A. certificates      B.diploma             C. degrees           D. achievements
                   4.  .................. the fact that becoming an astronaut is really challenging, my cousin has
                       kepttrying to follow his dream.

                       A. Despite of        B.In spite of         C.Although           D.both A & B
                   5.  On Sunday we decided to go to .................. beach by .................. train, but because of
                       .................. threating weather, we went to .................. cinema instead.
                       A. the –Ø– the – the                       B. a – a – the – the

                     Big 4 - Bộ đề tự kiểm tra 4 kỹ năng Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh (cơ bản và nâng cao) lớp 9 tập 2|95
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