Page 72 - Cambridge - Super Minds 1 Workbook_Neat 1
P. 72

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                          Is thеrе o butterfly on o flowеr?

                              , Yеs, therе is.  |  1No, therе isn't.
                          Is thеrе o f rog on thе tog?
                          .-"----'-1                   l--------1
                              I  Yеs, thеrе is.        '|-
                          |                              -j  No, therе isn't.
                          Arе thеre ony bikеs on the gross?
                          Г*l                          |***.1
                          i* i Yes, thеrе ore . 1 i No, thеre oren't.

                          Arе thеre ony bononos on thе trее?
                          i-*r                         f*--1
                          i--' Yеs, thеrе ore. 1*-: No, thеrе oren't.

                      Look ot the piсture ln Aсtivity 1. Motсh the cluestions with
                      the onswers.

                          Is therе o spidеr on thе flowеr?                                    No, there oren't.

                          Arе therе ony snokеs  in thе gordеn?                                No, therе isn't.

                          How mony opptes orе thеrе?                                          Therе ore two.

                          How mony bikes orе therе?                                           Thеrе ore еight.
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