Page 96 - Cambridge - Super Minds 1 Workbook_Neat 1
P. 96

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                 Complete  the questiol'rs.

                               hе ploy the piono?                                                    do nсе?

                                              h е сo n't.           Yеs' she сon.       I     No, she сon't.

                                                   swim?                                             o horse?

              Yеs, he сon.            I  No, hе сon't. |  : Yеs, she сon.                    No, shе сon't.

                                            tеnnis?                                                            ?

              Yеs, hе сono  ] No, hе                               Yеs, shе сon. :  i No, she сon't.
                 Look ot the piсtures in Aсtivity                  .t.  Answer the questions.
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