Page 128 - Oxford Grammar for Schools 1 Student Book (1)_Neat
P. 128

I Completethe sentences with the c  * 6 O25.2 Listento Maxtalking about what hedoes
     k preposition.        atthe weekend.Writetime phraseswith ator in.
       I I have French in. the morning on Wednesday
         _ Mondays,I have Englishand I
         _the afternoon.
      2Í _ Tuesdays, I have French,math
      V andscience _ the morning
      3f I haveICT _
      V Wednesdays.
                             ;even o'el
      4/ihave maths _
         _ Fridays,I have maths,Frenchar
           _the morning.
       ÿ I haveICT _ the morning _
       \ MondaysandTuesdays.
       '  I have English _ the morning
       Wednesdays and Fridays,and _
       V afternoon - Wednesdays.
         _ Fridays,I have art, mathsand ICT
         _ the morningandFrenchand
       i science _ the afternoon.
        | Work with a partner.Ask and answer
         questions about your schooltimetables.
      ( When do you have «*?)
            On Tuesdays, inthe
         Write about two subjects. Show your
      / partner.Can your partner guessthe
        I have itonTuesdays in the morning,
        and on Thursdays in the afternoon.
        I like it.
         If itPE? )
    126 Prepositions of time
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