Page 5 - Oxford Grammar for Schools 1 Student Book (1)_Neat
P. 5
OxfordGrammarfor Schoolshelpsstudents developa At the endofthe booktherearefive pages of extra
detailed understandingof grammarform and use in informationfor the informationgap activities,a
context,andinspiresthemto havefun with English word listwithspaces for studentsto write their own
through songs and games.The grammar is introduced translations,anda listof key verbs for them to learn.
or revisedthrougheasy-to-readtables andillustrated
Studentscan usetheOxfordGrammarforSchoolsseries
presentationswith clearexamples. The exercises
buildfrom simpleconcept-checkactivities uptomore inclasswith their coursebookto support and reinforce
communicativeandproductiveskills-basedactivities. their grammar study.TheTeacher's Bookincludesall
Ineach unitthere are severalspeaking activitieswhere theanswersandaudioscripts.There are also tests for
studentswork witheach other to useEnglishwith every Student's Book unit,andfour review tests which
improvedaccuracy andconfidence.The extended can be usedat the endof a schoolterm.
writing activities alsoencourage students to use Student's DVD-ROM
language inrealisticsituations.
The Student's DVD-ROMincludes scored interactive
Each unitbeginswith a'Can do'statement,which says activitiesas well asallthe Student's Book pages in
what studentswill beable to achieveoncompletion digitalform and allthe listeningexercises and songs.
of the unit.At the endof each unit isa self-evaluation The Student's DVD-ROMenables students to usethe
table. Studentsshould beencouragedto ratetheir Student's Bookoutsideclass,and can also be usedon
progressineach exercise,which helpsthem to take an interactivewhiteboard inclass.
responsibility for their own learningandalso increases
Key to the symbols
O0.0 (0.0 = track number) Listeningactivity
A Speaking activity
/ Extendedwriting activity
© Pronunciationactivity
Introductory exercise
I Moderately challenging exercise
I Most challenging exercise
A difficulty rating is given toeach exercise.The scaleof difficulty is relativeto each unit,
sothere areexercises with one, two, andthree stars inevery unit.
Introduction 3