Page 92 - Oxford Grammar for Schools 1 Student Book (1)_Neat
P. 92
Would like
I can recognize andusewould likewith nouns andto + baseform.
Would like + noun * 1 Complete the sentences with wouldlike.Use
affirmativefull forms.
Would you like ÿ He wou\¿ like_ a drink, (he)
Some Water?
1 _ an egg. (you)
2 _ some coffee, (they)
3 _ two apples, (we)
4 _ a burger, (she)
5 _ some tomatoes. (I)
6 _ some water, (he)
* 2 Write short forms of your answers inexercise 1.
ÿ He'd like o drink
We use would like + noun toask for things.
I'dlikeanapple. I'dlikesomejuice.
I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they | would like
1/you/he/she /it/we/you/they | 'd like # 3 Rewrite the sentences asquestions.
ÿ You'd like a cake.
We usethe question form to offer things.
Wouldyoulikeanicecream? Would you like_ a cake?
1 He'dlike a banana.
Questions _ a banana?
I / you 2 They'd like sc ieoranges.
Would he/she /it like...? _ some oranges?
we/you /they
e lemonade.
_ some lemonade?
Short answers
I /you
Yes, he/she /it would. 5 Vicky andCarla vt uldlike dinner now
we / you / they _
dinner now?
I /you 6 Jamiewould like an eggfor breakfast.
No, he/she /it wouldn't. _ an egg for breakfast?
we/you /they
7 Katywould like a drink.
Would like meansthe same as want. Itis notthe _ a drink?
same as like. 8 HeidiandJameswould like some chips.
I'dlikeanegg. =I want an egg. _ some chips?
I likeeggs. =I like eggs ingeneral.
90 Would like