Page 22 - SGK TA6 TAP 2 SHS
P. 22

SkillS 1

                                                             3   read again and answer the questions.

          reading                                            1.   When was Pelé born?
          1   Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.          2.   Why do people call him ‘The King of Football’?
          1.   Do you know Pelé, The King of Football?            _______________________________________

                What is special about him?                   3.   When did he become Football Player of the
          2.   Where does he come from?
          3.   What other things do you know about him?      4.   How many goals did he score in total?

                                                             5.   Is he regarded as the best football player of all time?
                                    Edson Arantes do             _______________________________________
                                    Nascimento, better
                                    known as Pelé, is        Speaking
                                    widely regarded as       4  How  often  do  you  go/do/play  these  sports/
                                    the best football            games? tick the right column.
                                    player of all time.
                                    Pelé was born on             Sports/ Games     Always Usually Sometimes Never
                                    October 21, 1940 in       1. jogging
                                    the countryside of        2. swimming
                                    Brazil.  Pelé’s father    3. badminton
                                    was a professional        4. football
                                    football player and
                                    taught Pelé how to        5. morning exercise
                                    play at a very young      6. skipping
                                    age.                      7. chess
          Pelé began his career at the age of 15 when he      8. cycling
          started playing for Santos Football Club.  In 1958,   9. skateboarding
          at  the  age  of  17,  Pelé  won  his  first World  Cup.     10. skiing
          It was the first time the World Cup was shown on
          TV.  People around the world watched Pelé play     5  Work in groups. What kind of sports/games do
          and cheered.                                           you do most often? Why?
          Pelé  won  three  World  Cups
          and scored 1,281 goals in                          6  Work in pairs. ask and answer the following
          his  22-year  career.    In                            questions.
          1999,  he  was  voted                              1.   Do you like football?
          Football  Player  of
          the  Century.    Pelé                              2.   Do you play football or only watch it?
          is a national hero in                              3.   What other sports do you play?
          Brazil.    During  his
          career  he  became                                   .   Do you play them well?
          well-known  around                                   .    When and how often do you play them?
          the  world  as  ’The                               4.   Do you belong to any clubs?
          King of Football’.
                                                             5.   If you don’t play sport(s), what do you often do
                                                                 in your spare time?
          2  read the text quickly to check your ideas in 1.     report the results to the class.

        22  Unit 8/ sports and games
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