Page 56 - SGK TA6 TAP 2 SHS
P. 56

LookinG Back                                       Grammar

                                                             4   Write the correct form of each verb in brackets.
                                                             1.  If  the  Earth  (be)______  warmer,  the  sea  level
          1  add more words to the word webs below.              (rise) ______.

                                                             2.  If  the  sea  level  (rise)  ______,  some  countries
                                                                 (disappear) ______.
                                                             3.  If  we  (reduce)  ______  soil  pollution,  we  (have)
                                                                 ______ enough food to eat.
             water                                           4.  If  we  (not  have)  ______  enough  food,  we  (be)
                                                                 ______ hungry.
                                                             5.  If we (be) ______ hungry, we (be) ______ tired.

                                                             5   combine  each  pair  of  sentences  below  to
                                                                 make a conditional sentence - type 1.
                                                             1.  Students  recycle  and  use  recycled  materials.

           envelope                                              They save energy.
                                                             2.  We use the car all the time. We make the air dirty.
                                                             3.  You save electricity. You turn off your computer
                                                                 when you don't use it.
                                                             4.  People stop using so much energy. They want to
                                                                 save the environment.
                              Recycle                        5.  You see a used can in the road. What will you do?

              can                                            communication
                                                             6   Work  in  groups.  Interview  three  classmates
          2  In  pairs,  ask  and  answer  questions  about      and  note  down  their  answers.  Share  their
             the 3rs.                                            answers with the class.

         Example:                                                      What will you do   If you want to   If you want to
         A:  Can we reduce water use?                                  if you have some  save electricity at  reduce rubbish at
         B:  Yes, we can.                                               used plastic   home, what will   home, what will
                                                                                       you do?
         A:  How?                                                      bottles at home?             you do?
         B:  Don't take a bath.                               Student A
                                                              Student B
          3  a. complete the words or phrases.                Student C

         1.  d_ _ _ r_ _ _a _ _ _ _   2.  a _ _ pollution

         3.   _ _t_ _ pollution      4.  n _ _ _e pollution   Finished! Now you can ....
         5.  _o _ _  pollution                                •  use words related to the
             b.  Match each word or phrase from a with an       environment
                effect below to make a sentence.              •  name environmental
                                                                problems and their effects
         a.  makes fish die.                                  •  talk about possibilities,
         b.  makes animals’ homes disappear.                    using conditional
         c.  causes sleeping problems.                          sentences - type 1
         d.  causes lack of food.                             •  talk about ways to
         e.  makes the Earth warmer.                            'go green'

          56  Unit 11/ Our Greener World
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