Page 62 - SGK TA6 TAP 2 SHS
P. 62
2 Will you be good at English when you are in 4 Fill the gaps with can, can’t, could, couldn’t,
year 8? will be able to or won’t be able to.
Look at the pictures and tick Yes or No. Then write 1. In the past, robots ______ teach in classes, but
what you think you will or won’t be able to do when they can now.
you are in Year 8. 2. Robots can’t talk now. In 2030, they ______ talk
to people.
read an English book speak English on the phone
3. Mr. Van _____ run very fast when he was young.
Now he ______.
4. In 2030, robots will be able to talk to us, but they
______ do more complicated things.
5. My little sister is very clever. She ______ already
read some words.
Yes No Yes No
5 complete the sentences. use will be able to,
can, could, and the verbs from the box.
write an essay speak English with
in English a group of people guard make recognise do
1. This robot ______ our faces when the scientists
improve it.
2. Home robots are more useful today – they
______ the bed.
Yes No Yes No 3. Even in the past, robots ______ the laundry.
4. Now, robots _____ the house. When there’s a
problem, they send a message to our mobile.
understand English write a letter to
in conversations an English friend
6 Work in pairs. look at the information from
the table below and tell your partner what
Kitty could do in the past, can do now and will
be able to do in the future.
Yes No Yes No Example:
Example: In the past, Kitty could lift aN INTEllIGENT roboT
I will/ won’t be able to read an English book when I heavy things. Now, it can
am in Year 8. lift heavy things. ...
3 Work in pairs. ask and answer the questions
about the activities in 2. Tell the class about
your partner. Skills Past Now Future
Example: lift heavy things
A: Will you be able to read an English book when make coffee x
you are in Year 8? guard our house x
B: Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.
understand what we say x x
62 Unit 12/ Robots