Page 19 - SGK TA6 TAP 1 SHS
P. 19

6  Listen again and put the words in the correct     a closer look 2

                /z/             /s/            / z/           Grammar
           ____________    ____________    ____________
                                                                            There is/ There isn't
           ____________    ____________    ____________                     There are/ There aren't

           ____________    ____________    ____________              Positive              negative
           ____________    ____________    ____________

           ____________    ____________    ____________
           ____________    ____________    ____________

                                                               Singular:  There’s (is) a   Singular:   There isn’t (is
                                                               picture on the wall.   not) a picture on the wall.
                                                               Plural:  There are two   Plural: There aren’t (are not)
                                                               lamps in the room.     two lamps in the room.

                                                                     Questions and short answers

                                                                     – Is there a picture on the wall?
                                                                     – yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.
                                                                     – Are there two lamps in the room?
                                                                     – yes, there are./ No, there aren’t.
         7  read the conversation below. underline the
             final s/es in the words and write /z/, /s/ or / z/   1  Write  is or are.
             Mi:   Mum, are you home?                         1.   There _______________ a sofa in the living room.

             Mum:  yes, honey. I’m in the kitchen. I’ve bought   2.   There ________________ two cats in the kitchen.
                   these new dishes and chopsticks.           3.   There ___________________ posters on the wall.

             Mi:   They’re  beautiful,  Mum.  Where  did  you   4.   There ___________ a ceiling fan in the bedroom.
                   buy them?                                  5.   There ___________________ dishes on the floor.

             Mum:  In the department store near our house.
                   There  are  a  lot  of  interesting  things  for   2   make the sentences in 1 negative.
                   the home there.
             Mi:   We  need  some  pictures  for  the  living
                   room, Mum. Do they have pictures in the    1.   There isn’t a sofa in the living room.
             Mum:  No,  they  don’t.  But  there  are  some    3  Write positive and negative sentences.
                   ceiling lights. We are buying two for the   Example: pictures / the living room
                   new apartment this week.
                                                                 There are pictures in the living room.
             Mi:   We also need two new vases, Mum.
                                                                  There aren’t pictures in the living room.
             Mum:  That’s  true.  Let’s  go  to  the  store  this
                   weekend.                                   1.   a TV / the table
                                                              2.   a brown dog / the kitchen
         8  Listen  to  the  conversation  and  repeat.  Pay
             attention to /z/, /s/ and / z/  at the end of the   3.   a boy / the cupboard
             words. then practise the conversation with a     4.   a bath / the bathroom
             partner.                                         5.   lamps / the bedroom

                                                                                       Unit 2/ My home    19
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