Page 42 - SGK TA6 TAP 1 SHS
P. 42

4   look at the pictures of yen binh neighbourhood
                                                                 and long Son neighbourhood. Now write about
                                                                 the differences.

                                                             Example: Yen Binh is more crowded than Long Son.
          2.  This park is ______ than that park. (beautiful)

          3.  Living in a house is ______ than living in a flat.
                                                                                          Yen Binh

          4.  Living in a city is ______ than living in the
             countryside. (interesting)

                                                                                                     Long Son

                                                             5   complete the following sentences with
                                                                 the comparative form of the adjectives in
          5.  Things in this shop are ______ than things in      brackets.
             the supermarket. (expensive)
                                                             1.  Is Ho Chi Minh City bigger than Ha Noi? (big)
         3   read and complete Vy’s letter to her friend.    2.  Is a house in the city ______ than a house in the
                                                                 countryside? (expensive)
                                                             3.  Is a sofa ________ than a chair? (comfortable)
                                                             4.  Is Hoi An ______ than Hue? (historic)
                                                             5.   Are your streets ______ than ours? (narrow)
         Dear Nick,
         How are you?                                        6   Work in pairs. ask and answer questions
                                                                 about yen binh neighbourhood and long Son
         Ha Noi is beautiful! But it is too busy and polluted    neighbourhood using the pictures in 4.
         for  me.  I’m  at  Cua  Lo  Beach  now.  I’m  having  a   Example:
         great  time.  The  weather  is  (0.  hot)  hotter  and
         (1.  dry)______  than  that  in  Ha  Noi.  The  houses   A:  Is Yen Binh more crowded than Long Son?
         are  (2.  small)______  and  the  buildings  are    B:  Yes, it is.
         (3.  old)______  than  the  buildings  in  Ha  Noi.  The   A:  Is Long Son more modern than Yen Binh?
         streets are (4. wide)______ with less traffic. I love the   B:  No, it isn’t.
         food here. The seafood here is (5. delicious)______   7  Work in pairs. ask and answer questions about
         and (6. cheap)______ than the seafood in Ha Noi.        the places that you know. use the comparative
         Well,  outside  the  sun  is  shining  so  I'm  off  to  get   form of the adjectives in the box.
         some fresh air.
                                                                 beautiful   boring    exciting   friendly
         See you soon.
                                                                 small       hot       wet       convenient
                                                             A:  Is Hue busier than Da Nang?
                                                             B:  No, it isn’t.

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Unit 4/ My Neighbourhood
          42  Unit 4/ My NeighbourhoodUnit 4/ My Neighbourhood                                                                                                                                     Unit 4/ My Neighbourhood    43
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